Thanks to free apps like the following it has never been easier to save money! There are tons out there, but I’m sharing a few of my personal favorite apps with you. 1.Retail Me Not – thousands of coupons in your pocket. You will almost always have a coupon for retail stores when you need it! You can easily search for the coupons you want, check out the deal of the day and browse categories and trending deals to find the best offers available.
2. Red Laser - Use this app while you’re shopping and want to compare prices at others stores. Simply scan the item using one of the apps. The item will populate and tell you the prices at others stores, including online stores. Red Laser will tell you prices for all other stores. The apps give you other info too, but my favorite is the price comparison. I personally save $80.00 by scanning the barcode of a vacuum at the store and realized it was much cheaper elsewhere!
3. Cartwheel – If you shop at Target make sure you have their savings app! Use the offers again and again. You can even pile them on top of other manufactures coupons, target coupons, sales and your debit or credit REDcard savings.